søndag 8. januar 2017

Hollywood - Bollywood - Nollywood

Hollywood was founded in the 1900's and has been central in film production ever since. Hollywood is a commonly known industry and has founded all of the mainstream US films. "Star wars" is an example on a series of a typical Hollywood movie.

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Bollywood is the casual name for the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai. Formally, it's referred to as Hindi cinema. Bollywood is only a part of the larger Indian film industry. "Dangal" is an example on a typical and new Bollywood movie.

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Nollywood is the Nigerian film industry. These films are known for having bad quality and odd content. Nollywood produce aboult 50 movies a week, so they produce way more than Hollywood. An example of a Nollywood production:
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Multitasking: a timesaver?

The term ”multi-tasking” can be translated to a person who is able to do several actions simultaneously over a short period of time. Today this is a common phenomenon among most people. Especially the youth who are for example checking up on social media, watching TV, doing homework and eating all at the same time. Multitasking can have both advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, I’m going to explain the negative sides of this topic.

My first argument is that multitasking isn’t going to save time. Doing several things and switching rapidly between actions gets less stuff done and lowers your productivity. It’s shown that doing multiple tasks at once has no beneficial effect on your work. This is mainly because more parts of the brain get stimulated at once which causes you to forget much of the information you take in or lower the quality of your work.

Furthermore, multitasking can cause you to loose your ability to focus. When a person constantly is swapping activities, he or she can get very prone to getting interrupted by any small distraction. By multitasking a lot, you can actually loose your ability to focus on one thing. You simply aren´t able to ignore any new information and take in all you can, subconsciously. Not being able to have a single focus on one particular task is a common issue especially among youth. This could be all due to multitasking.

Lastly I’m going to mention the stress level. When you’re constantly taking in information from all perspectives and multimedia, your brain can simply become overwhelmed. A person can only handle a certain amount of new info at once. If you are used to multitask everyday you can probably notice that you feel stressed and not satisfied with what you have achieved.

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Multitasking is not a phenomenon we should depend on. Overworking the brain is simply like watering out your work. It will cause all the information to merge together and you’re most likely going to forget at least half of the new information. To conclude, multitasking is not a timesaver.


DRONE - breaking human rights

In our English class we watched the movie Drone. It's an interesting documentary concerning the US military, human rights, equality and world issues. The movie shows how the American Forces are taking innocent lives in Pakistan and how they're easily killing civilians and even children with only pressing a button on a joystick. The film is both shocking and informative, and I strongly suggest people to watch it, because this is something we should raise awareness to. To understand the plot better or if you don´t have time to watch the full movie, click the trailer below.

How does the US military use computer games in recruiting drone pilots?
As you probably can imagine, video games, simulators and so on contain the same similarities as being a drone pilot. However, the main difference is that drone pilots are actually taking lives, while video games are of course happening virtually. Most video games are sharpening your mind, teaching you to precisely aim and kill victims. These are qualities that the US military is looking for while recruiting drone pilots. Much like video gamers, the drone pilots are sitting in a closed off room and manoeuvres a drone and killing off people who are seen as a threat to the US.
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What arguments against drones does earlier drone pilots have?
The initial drone pilots are mainly struggling with their conscience and not being able to live with themselves due to what they have executed. Taking multiple innocent lives characterises a person and marks them for life. The retired drone pilots are reflecting around the fact that drone attacks is not a secure and appropriate way to attack their targets. The former pilots was told that the Pakistani people was threatening the US and deserved to die. They did what they was told to do and didn't get the correct amount of information that they should have gotten about the attacks. The missiles in the drones have ruined buildings and killed civilians because of the lack of precision. 

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What are the viewpoints of the Pakistani Human rights lawyers?
The human rights lawyers of Pakistan are actively trying to make the people of Pakistan be heard by the world. They were constantly demonstrating and helped the  In the movie Drone we saw that the lawyers printed out big pictures of terrified children in despair and placed them on top of roofs, so that the drone pilots could see who they could be hurting. 

The following picture was taken in the ruins after a drone attack. The image shows three innocent orphans that are playing and collecting rocks among the burning surroundings. They didn't understand anything that was happening around them.

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To show the damage that the drones made, the lawyers then magnified one of the children from the picture and placed on a banner on a surface that the drones would target. This is shown on the picture below.
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When is it okay to break article three in Human Hights laws? the right to life, freedom and personal security.
The CIA and USAF are targeting suspicious and potential terrorist that could be linked to the happenings on 9/11-2001. They're saying that they're only executing the threats and eliminates the dangers, but that's not the truth. The drones are hitting innocents as well. It's only okay to break article three in certain cases. For example if you need to defend yourself when are in danger or being physically threatened.

How do you think the Norwegian Government would react if terrorists had been targeted by the drones in Norway?
I think that if something like this were to happen i Norway, more people would be aware of it. Norway is a rich country with more forces and less terrorism. If american drones would target terrorists in Norway, it would be all over the news and people would be horrified. People aren't aware of the attacks in Pakistan, and more awareness should be raised. Norway would gather forces and a war or a big conflict would be released.

Who are responsible for the loss of civil lives?
The CIA and USAF are responsible for all the innocent lives taken. The drone pilots are also accomplices, but those who are making the decision to fire from the drone, are more guilty than those who are manoeuvring the drones trough joysticks.

If one terrorist are killed among a hundred of innocent persons, is it really worth it? why is the US government allowing this? These are questions that have no answers. In my opinion, this is an insane way of killing terrorists. So many lives are ruined and Pakistan lives under constant fear. 

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